

Welcome to my blog. I write about food and drink at home in Dorset and on my travels. Happy reading!

Mastro Sapore artisan pasta brand

Mastro Sapore artisan pasta brand

I was lucky enough to be introduced to Mastro Sapore for Volume 007 of Pier Journal, out now. I wrote and illustrated the feature, and enjoyed sampling the amazing range of products. Pasta is the best and healthiest fast food, when it’s produced in an artisanal, slow, sustainable way like this. Even premium pasta is super-affordable, equating to around 80p per portion. What’s not to love?

if you’d like to try Mastro Sapore it for yourself, pick up from Baccello in Christchurch or order online using the discount code PIER for 20% off.

A perfect Friday night at Baccello

A perfect Friday night at Baccello

Hundreds of Great Taste honeys put to good use

Hundreds of Great Taste honeys put to good use