

Welcome to my blog. I write about food and drink at home in Dorset and on my travels. Happy reading!

Diary of the Ration Challenge: Day 4

Diary of the Ration Challenge: Day 4

Woke at 5am again with hunger pains and a headache, too bad to get back to sleep. All I think about is food. Well, that’s what I’m like anyway, but now it’s with sadness because I can’t have anything I want. I have to mentally check out when I’m making the boys’ breakfast and resist the urge to lick my fingers!

This has been the worst day in terms of feeling hangry, with added brain fog and lethargy. I am moving so slowly, but can’t do anything about it. We had to leave early for the morning walk to school to account for my snail’s pace.


I skipped breakfast, but had an early lunch of rice and falafel with a dollop of tinned tomatoes. Then a couple of rice crackers as an afternoon snack. Tea was fried rice with sardines (I was SO exited about opening those bad boys, and had to hold back from scoffing the lot in one sitting) and a couple of sticks of raw carrot. So rice, rice and rice.

The trouble is, at this point, I don’t want any more rice. But that’s the only ration I have left in plentiful supply. Everything I make tastes the same, because it is all made from the same few ingredients. I wish I had more flour, as the flatbread was the only delicious thing I’ve eaten all week. But I’m saving my last flour for a “pizza” tomorrow night. (And yes, it needs the inverted commas)!

So yes, really tough-going today. But I’m on the homestretch now.

How much I’ve raised: £1,273

If you’d like to donate: Thank you, and here is my fundraising page

Diary of the Ration Challenge: Day 5

Diary of the Ration Challenge: Day 5

Diary of the Ration Challenge: Day 3

Diary of the Ration Challenge: Day 3