

Welcome to my blog. I write about food and drink at home in Dorset and on my travels. Happy reading!

Diary of the Ration Challenge: Day 1

Diary of the Ration Challenge: Day 1

I’d heard about various coping mechanisms from past Ration Challenge participants, and one of them was to start eating smaller portions in the week leading up to the challenge. Although it seemed like a sensible suggestion, what I actually did was the opposite.

My last meal was a multi-course blowout with matched wines, so I started Day 1 with the worst hangover I’ve had in years. This worked surprisingly well for me - I couldn’t even contemplate breakfast so I went straight through to lunch.

I called my lunch “rice pudding” but it was nothing of the sort. It was rice cooked in water and a quarter of my 210ml milk allowance (which I earned as a reward for hitting a certain fundraising target). I also added cinnamon - my choice of spice for the week. It was very watery and not substantial enough to fill me up.

For dinner I went plain, as I’m saving my more flavoursome ingredients for later in the week when I need a boost. So I had plain rice with a few kidney beans mixed in and A LOT of salt. Thank the Lord for salt! I was full after what was quite a reasonable sized dinner, but I had to leave the table when my two boys left bits of their colourful and nutritious tea. I’m such a picker/snacker that it’s going to be tough to break that habit.

The donations are still coming in - I’ve just surpassed my £1,000 target - so that will really spur me on. And I had so many lovely messages of encouragement from kind and thoughtful friends. So ending Day 1 on a positive note, and REALLY looking forward to a cup of tea in the morning - I have earned six teabags for the week and I’m using the rest of my milk rations for my cuppas. Good job I like a strong brew!

Diary of the Ration Challenge: Day 2

Diary of the Ration Challenge: Day 2

Concern Worldwide's Ration Challenge: I'm in

Concern Worldwide's Ration Challenge: I'm in