

Welcome to my blog. I write about food and drink at home in Dorset and on my travels. Happy reading!

Named for its pong, Minger

Named for its pong, Minger

“I’m not trying weird things for my blog any more”, I said. “I’ve tried everything”, I said. Yet when the manager of Southbourne cheese and charcuterie heaven Parlourmentary said Minger was reputed to be one of the smelliest cheeses in the world, I just couldn’t resist the challenge.


It is a soft-washed rind cheese made with pasteurised cow’s milk, created by Highland Fine Cheeses in Tain, Scotland.

As I unwrapped the Minger, I was waiting for the smell to bowl me over. It does have a pungent whiff, but it’s got nothing on the Epoisses de Bourgogne (although do you ever really know how smelly a cheese is until you come back home after being out for a while and think something has died)?

The flavour is considerably milder than the smell would have you believe and the texture is a delight - soft, creamy and oozy. Absolutely delicious.

Rating: Not as smelly as my welly 10/10

Burns Night Supper, Cliff House Hotel

Burns Night Supper, Cliff House Hotel

Living the cheese dream

Living the cheese dream