

Welcome to my blog. I write about food and drink at home in Dorset and on my travels. Happy reading!

Baileys chocolate tiffin

Baileys chocolate tiffin

Like so many people, I found myself with a bit of extra time this Christmas. No lunches, no parties, no travels, no shopping trips, no family get-togethers - some might say no FUN! So, I actually had time to make edible gifts for local friends and neighbours. The biggest hit was this Baileys chocolate tiffin, whose recipe I found in olive magazine.

The ingredients cost a lot for one traybake - 700g of good quality white, milk and dark chocolate and a bottle of Baileys for starters, plus I used Walker’s gluten-free shortbread which notched the cost up. However, the mixture went such a long way. The recipe said it made 36 pieces, but I think I got even more than that by making bite-size treats.

Tiffin is always delicious, but this one tasted extra indulgent thanks to the addition of Baileys. And it looked pretty impressive with a really thick layer of white, milk and dark chocolate marbled together on top.

When it came to wrapping, I experimented with various jars and boxes. It turned out my favourite presentation was to place the squares in a long row and wrap in greaseproof paper with the ends twisted like a cracker and tied with festive ribbon.

I’ll definitely be making this one again - and I might not even wait until next Christmas.

5-day healthy gut challenge

5-day healthy gut challenge

Yule log / bûche de Noël

Yule log / bûche de Noël